How to correctly mow your lawn
Mowing your lawn helps keep your lawn looking the best. You need to make sure, you are doing it properly because it can also hurt your lawn if not done correctly.
Mowing your grass too short, infrequently or with dull blades can affect the quality of your green Cutting too much from the grass focuses the plant to regrow their blades and not making their roots stronger. Taller greens keep shade to the soil and keeps it cool. This prevents unwanted weeds to sprout. |
Atlanta Landscaping Matters recommends setting your mower to cut only 1/3 of the grass blade at one mowing even if you have to mow again several days later. Of course, that depends also on the type of plants you have but keep in mind that taller grass blades can support more and deeper roots that are able to find the nutrients they need from the soil easier. Greens that are constantly being cut too short don’t have a good root system developed and that makes the grass open to drought or high temperature damage, disease and weed infestation.
The best time to mow your lawn is early evening when the temperature cooled down and the lawn has plenty of time to recover before the next day’s heat arrives.
Do not cut your green early morning or after a rain as cutting wet grass can result in uneven trim and can also clog your mower.
Cut your grass in a different direction every time. If you cut it in the same direction, the grass will start leaning in the direction you mow it. If you change directions every time the grass will stand up straight.
Mow your lawn only when it needs it. That depends on the type of greens you have and the season. You might need to mow your lawn more frequently in the spring and less in the summer and fall.
Leave the small grass clippings you get when you mow often on your lawn because it returns nutrients to the soil. If your clipping is longer we recommend removing it from your lawn because it will not break down fast enough and can affect the growing grass. You can even invest in a mulching blade, which cuts the grass in small pieces that will decompose quicker.
Dull blades tear up and weaken the grass so make sure you always have your blades sharpened. Clean your mower after every use, tune it up and sharpen the blades every year for a better cutting and a beautifully cut lawn.
The best time to mow your lawn is early evening when the temperature cooled down and the lawn has plenty of time to recover before the next day’s heat arrives.
Do not cut your green early morning or after a rain as cutting wet grass can result in uneven trim and can also clog your mower.
Cut your grass in a different direction every time. If you cut it in the same direction, the grass will start leaning in the direction you mow it. If you change directions every time the grass will stand up straight.
Mow your lawn only when it needs it. That depends on the type of greens you have and the season. You might need to mow your lawn more frequently in the spring and less in the summer and fall.
Leave the small grass clippings you get when you mow often on your lawn because it returns nutrients to the soil. If your clipping is longer we recommend removing it from your lawn because it will not break down fast enough and can affect the growing grass. You can even invest in a mulching blade, which cuts the grass in small pieces that will decompose quicker.
Dull blades tear up and weaken the grass so make sure you always have your blades sharpened. Clean your mower after every use, tune it up and sharpen the blades every year for a better cutting and a beautifully cut lawn.