Lawn Aeration Service
Keeping your lawn looking healthy, green, lush and beautiful is a goal that many homeowners have on their list for spring. It can be a challenge, but often it is a challenge that pays off with a huge reward. Keeping the curb side appearance up when it comes to your home is pretty important. So how do you get that lawn that we have been talking about? While some homeowners like to take on the challenge of caring for their yards, many others hand the challenge off to a professional lawn care company like ourselves. We are able to offer a guarantee on our services that gives them peace of mind and healthy, green, lush and beautiful lawns. So how do we achieve that? Well, it comes down to a successful lawn maintenance program that has to be completed. The key to this maintenance program is lawn aeration. Aeration is super important to maintaining a healthy lawn, this is where our team service stands out. Many homeowners overlook this steps and wonder why the grass is always greener on the other side. Lawn aeration is the main step in getting consistent growth of the grass. Over time the soil becomes tightly packed and causes damage to the roots of the grass resulting in a lack of growth. Our aeration service is provided with our maintenance program. The process breaks up the top few layers of the soil allowing for the nutrients to get circulated and the elements to be ideal for new and optimum growth. Many lawn service providers only aerate your lawn on a seasonal base or schedule, but our team is different. We offer aeration as the lawn needs it. We work to determine when this is needed and is the most beneficial. There are several types of the year that this happens, while it is most often with the season change, we do review the conditions to make sure it is the most ideal time. Our goal is to make sure that the lawn receives the most long lasting results of the aeration process each time that it is completed. We base the timing on the grass population, what type of grass patterns are forming, and the moisture content of the soil. There is also a lawn aeration service that is completed based on the type of grass that is growing. Warm weather grass is ideally aerated in the latter part of the spring while grass that grows in the colder periods is better cooler season. So the best time to aerate the grass is based on more than a few determining factors. We have those factors down to a science and grass growth is not our experiment. We know what makes the grass grow and how to achieve it. If you are not sure if your grass needs to be aerated or not, we like to give some advice to our clients so give us a call. If you are noticing that your plants and grass are experiencing stunted or have stopped growing that is a sure tell sign that aeration should be performed. If it rains do you have puddles of water even if it is the lightest rain? Aeration is able to break up that soil and those top layers that are compacted causing the water to puddle will break up. The break up will allow the water to flow down through the soil. If you often park your vehicle on the lawn, then call us. When you park your vehicle this way you cause the lawn to compact quickly and steadily. You should aerate it regularly to prevent from damaging the grass permanently. Lastly, do you have brown spots forming? Aerating the lawn can help resolve that issue and actually prevent it from happening in the future. Keeping that soil light and not compacting keeps those nutrients flowing and prevents the grass from browning. Lawn aeration is a great way to maintain and treat your lawn. It comes with several benefits that will keep that grass looking healthy, green, lush and beautiful. When the grass is healthy and gets what it needs the return look will keep a smile on your face. Give our office a call today to schedule your maintenance service with our professionals. Please call Atlanta Landscaping Matters for any questions at (404)620-3374 |