How to avoid mistakes that lawn owners make when it comes to their lawn
"You have a gorgeous lawn!"
Every one of us is excited to hear these words, but I’m sure you know how much work goes into it! It seems you are keep having problems with patchy grass and weeds taking over your yard doesn’t matter what you are doing to prevent this! Mowing every week? Watering every other day or even every day? Too many weeds that grow too fast? Chances are you are overlooking some things in your lawn care plan that most homeowners do. |
- Not giving your lawn what it actually needs. Not feeding it with all the resources it needs at least 4 times a year. Early and late spring, summer and fall.
Feeding your grass with the proper fertilizer in early spring will help your lawn start growing again after the cold winter.
Protecting your lawn in the hot summer with lawn food will encourage the plant to grow deep roots and form a dense carpet
Protecting your lawn in the hot summer with lawn food will encourage the plant to grow deep roots and form a dense carpet
- Watering your lawn every day is not the best idea! We at Atlanta Landscaping Matters recommend to water your lawn every two to four days but the watering time needs to increase from 10 minutes to 30-60 minutes.
Keep in mind the weather conditions. If it rained all day you might want to skip watering your lawn that day, but if it’s too hot your grass might be thirstier than usual.
There are smart control devices you could install that are using weather information to program the watering schedule for your sprinkler system. Some of them can be controlled even from your phone.
There are smart control devices you could install that are using weather information to program the watering schedule for your sprinkler system. Some of them can be controlled even from your phone.
- Some homeowners will mow their lawns too short to avoid cutting it every week. This is definitely not the best thing for your grass because your grass grows roots in proportion with their top growth.
If the top part is too short, the grass can't make enough sugar for the roots to grow deep in the soil. if they don’t grow deep enough they might not reach extra water reserves when confronted with drought periods.
Setting the right height in your mower you can avoid having patches all over your lawn.
Setting the right height in your mower you can avoid having patches all over your lawn.
- Do not let a few weeds get out of control.
One seed can turn your perfect lawn into a perfect disaster if left to grow unchecked.
Keeping an eye on the weed is always a must. Use weed control products to make sure you kill the weeds while they feed and kill the weeds at their root.
Keeping an eye on the weed is always a must. Use weed control products to make sure you kill the weeds while they feed and kill the weeds at their root.